V-RISK_10 v.1

The V-Risk 10 is a screening tool to identify individuals that may be at risk of becoming violent used in acute and general psychiatry. Developed by the Centre for Research and Education in Forensic Psychiatry in Oslo

Syeeda S Farruque


© Cambio Healthcare Systems

To serve as a quick assessment of violence risk within acute and general situations in psychiatry when often events unfold quickly. The V-Risk 10 helps to identify and track patients who might require a more detailed risk assessment using various combined methods.

This screening tool serves as a checklist of 10 items (with care to read on the detailed instructions per item) and is not intended to be numerically scored and is not designed to issue a total score. It helps to ensure clinicians account for all important items that might reflect a high level of risk. Therefore, in daily clinical practice, the screen is not summed. Invalidation, numerical values were used and for the sake of modeling, this convention has also been used in this model with: No = 0 Maybe/moderate = 1 Yes = 2 "Do not know" has been given the ordinal value = 3 and as this tool does not look at the value per se, this has been allowed. Once the 10 questions have been answered - there are a further 3 selections that can be made. The clinician can then record his/her evaluation into Low, Moderate or High based on their clinical knowledge and further evaluate their thoughts on whether further investigation for risk should be conducted and if so - to choose to implement preventative procedures

As with other mental health/behavior screening tools, this is not to be used as a diagnostic tool alone and serves to help decision-making only when supplemented with other evaluations and evidence.

Ref.1: Bjørkly, Hartvig, Heggen, Brauer, & Moger. (2009). Development of a brief screen for violence risk (V-RISK-10) in acute and general psychiatry: An introduction with emphasis on findings from a naturalistic test of interrater reliability. European Psychiatry, 24(6), 388-394. Ref. 2: Roaldset, Hartvig, & Bjørkly. (2011). V-RISK-10: Validation of a screen for risk of violence after discharge from acute psychiatry. European Psychiatry, 26(2), 85-91.
