SPIN v.1

The Social Phobia Inventory was derived by Duke University's Behavioural Science Department. It is used to measure and screen for the extent of social phobia and anxiety disorder through 17 questions that require self-assessment around the three important aspects of fear, avoidance and psychological discomfort.

Syeeda S Farruque


© Cambio Healthcare Systems

SPIN (The Social Phobia Inventory) is designed on an interviewer-based assessment called the Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS) [3] and is a self-assessed 17 part questionnaire that helps to grade and screen for anxiety disorder.

The tool can help to: a) Classify subjects according to whether they can be diagnosed with social phobia or not. b) Quantify the degree of social phobia present in the subject. c) Offer tracking of symptoms over time. d) Offer screening for social phobia by assessing the scores against threshold values. e) Track the effects of treatment alongside other methods. Each of the 17 questions are assessed on a 0 to 4 scale: 0: not at all 1: a little bit 2: somewhat 3: very much 4: extremely The scores range from 0 to 68 and a total score under 20 - little/no anxiety; over 20 indicates a high probability of anxiety disorder classified as mild anxiety, over 30 - moderate anxiety; over 40 - severe anxiety and over 50: very severe anxiety.

Studies on the use of SPIN have been conducted on small numbers of participants, so it should be used in association with other tools to measure anxiety and should be used with care in: - Subjects with DSM-IV social phobia. - Children, ethnic minorities, and non-English speakers.

Ref.1: KM Connor, et al. Psychometric Properties of the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN): New Self-Rating Scale. British Journ Psych. 2000. Ref.2: Klaus Ranta, et al. Age and Gender Differences in Social Anxiety Symptoms During Adolescence: The Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) as a Measure. 153(3): Psych Research 261-270. December 2007. Ref.3: Davidson, J. R. T., Miner, C. M., DeVeaugh-Geiss, J., et al (1997) The Brief Social Phobia Scale: a psychometric evaluation. Psychological Medicine, 27, 161 -166.

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