New_Orleans_Charity_Head_Trauma_Injury_Rule v.1

New Orleans/Charity Head Trauma/Injury Rule is a criteria for which patients are unlikely to require imaging after head trauma.

Therese Lindberg


To determine the criteria for which patients are unlikely to require imaging after head trauma.

Use ONLY in patients with head injury and loss of consciousness (LOC) who are neurologically normal (i.e., GCS 15 and normal brief neurological exam). Suggestion if New Orleans/Charity Head Trauma/Injury Rule Score ≥ 1: The New Orleans Head CT Rule suggests a head CT is necessary for this patient to rule out an intracranial traumatic finding (sensitivity 97-100%). Otherwise: The New Orleans Head CT Rule suggests a head CT is NOT necessary for this patient to rule out an intracranial traumatic finding (sensitivity 97-100%).

Do not use on other patients than in patients with head injury and loss of consciousness (LOC) who are neurologically normal (i.e., GCS 15 and normal brief neurological exam).

1. Haydel MJ, Preston CA, Mills TJ, Luber S, Blaudeau E, DeBlieux PM. Indications for computed tomography in patients with minor head injury. N Engl J Med. 2000 Jul 13;343(2):100-5.

EVALUATION.new_orleans_charity_head_trauma_injury_rule.v0, OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1