Fast_Tracking_Scale_For_Ambulatory_Surgery v.0

Criteria for Fast-Tracking Outpatients after Ambulatory Surgery

Laura Moral Lopez

@ Cambio Healthcare Systems

Analyze a set of patient's paradigms to confirm if the patient is ready to be discharged after an ambulatory surgery.

This criteria is used in order to move patients from Phase I postanesthesia care unit (PACU) to Phase II step-down unit. The score has to be ≥ 12, with no score < 1 in order to let the patient be discharged after general anesthesia in Ambulatory Surgery. It can be used by different healthcare professionals that are responsible for the patient in order to decide if the patient can be discharged from the unit area.

The fast-Tracking scale after ambulatory surgery is a complement of a complete assessment that the responsible caregiver needs to perform in order to valorate if the patient is ready to go home, but in any case can be a substitute of the assessment.

1. Watkins AC, White PF. Fast-tracking after ambulatory surgery. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing. 2001;16(6):379–87. 2. White PF. Criteria for fast-tracking outpatients after ambulatory surgery. J Clin Anesth. 1999 Feb;11(1):78-9. doi: 10.1016/s0952-8180(98)00119-6. PMID: 10396724 3. Vergara-Amador E, Fuentes Losada LM, Mauricio A, Tobar M. Técnica anestésica de rápida recuperación para cirugía de mano ambulatoria Rapid recovery anesthesia technique for ambulatory hand surgery. Vol. 34, Barranquilla (Col.). 2018.
