BOPS v.1

Behavioral Observational Pain Scale (BOPS) for Post-Op Pediatric Pain. Quantifies post-operative pain for children aged 1-7 years.

Syeeda S Farruque

© Cambio Healthcare Systems

Provides a simple, quick pain assessment in children 1-7 years old after surgery.

The BOPS requires close and attentive clinical evaluation of facial expressions, vocalization and body language. Frequency of performing pain assessments: • Every 3 hours • 15-20 minutes after IV administration of analgesics • 30-45 minutes after oral/rectal administration Consider analgesia for scores ≥ 3. 0-2 points: Minimal or no pain: Consider reassessing after 30 minutes. ≥3 points: Significant pain present: Consider analgesia and reassess afterward.

This pain scale is not intended for use on patients outside of 1-7 years old.

Ref. 1: Anand KJ, Craig KD. New perspectives on definition of pain. Pain 1996; 67:3-6. Ref. 2: Hesselgard K, Larsson S, Romner B, Strömblad LG, Reinstrup P. Validity and reliability of the Behavioural Observational Pain Scale for postoperative pain measurement in children 1-7 years of age. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2007 Mar;8(2):102-8.

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