Absolute_Lymphocyte_Count v.1

Serves as a surrogate for CD4 count in HIV patients who are naive to antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited areas

Jack Msonkho


Assesses number of lymphocytes and predicts CD4 count.

Frequently used in the ED setting because CD4 tests take longer to come back and need patient consent. Used in limited-resource settings where CD4 tests are costly or unavailable.

Does not aid in the diagnosis of HIV

Shapiro, NI, Karras, DJ, Leech, SH, & Heilpern, KL (nd). Absolute lymphocyte count as a predictor of CD4 count. Annals of Emergency Medicine: Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians. , 32 (3 Pt 1), 323–328. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0196-0644(98)70008-3

OBSERVATION.absolute_lymphocyte_count.v0, EVALUATION.absolute_lymphocyte_count.v0