mNIHSS v.1

The Modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (mNIHSS) is an instrument used to measure and evaluate the neurological severity of a stroke. It is derived from the original NIHSS and was constructed to create a more efficient tool, excluding items that had poor interrater reliability. It consists of eleven parameters obtained through clinical neurological assessment.

Dennis Forslund

Cambio Healthcare Systems

To measure and evaluate the neurological severity of a stroke.

Use to measure and evaluate the neurological severity of a stroke. The Modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (mNIHSS) is derived from the original NIHSS and was constructed to create a more efficient tool, excluding items that had poor interrater reliability. It consists of eleven parameters obtained through clinical neurological assessment: - 1B: Level of consciousness questions (0-2p) - 1C: Level of conciousness commands (0-2p) - 2: Horizontal eye movement (0-2p) - 3: Visual fields (0-3p) - 5A:Left arm motor drift (0-4p) - 5B: Right arm motor drift (0-4p) - 6A: Left leg motor drift (0-4p) - 6B: Right leg motor drift (0-4p) - 8: Sensory (0-1p) - 9: Language (0-3p) - 11: Extinction/Inattention (0-2p) The maximum score is 31p. Increasing mNIHSS scores are consistent with severe neurological impairment.

Although data suggests the mNIHSS shows higher interrater reliability it is currently not as widely used as the original NIHSS, and there is still debate as to whether it fulfills a clinical need. Aside from \"9 - Language\", all parameters should be rated by the first response.

PD Lyden, M Lu, Sr Levine, Tg Brott, J Broderick. A modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale for use in stroke clinical trials: preliminary reliability and validity. Stroke. 2001, Vol.32(6), p.1310-1317 BC Meyer, TM Hemmen, CM Jackson, PD Lyden. Modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale for use in stroke clinical trials: prospective reliability and validity. Stroke. 2002, Vol.33(5), p.1261-1266 BC Meyer, PD Lyden. The modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale: its time has come. International journal of stroke. , 2009, Vol.4(4), p.267-273