mMRC_Dyspnea_Scale v.1

mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) Dyspnea Scale stratifies severity of dyspnea in respiratory diseases, particularly COPD.

Therese Lindberg

© Cambio CDS

To stratify severity of dyspnea in respiratory diseases, particularly COPD.

Use to stratify the severity grade of dyspnea in patients with respiratory diseases, particularly COPD. Selection of the appropriate grade: Grade Symptom severity 0 Dyspnea only with strenuous exercise 1 Dyspnea when hurrying on level ground or walking up a slight hill 2 Walks slower than people of the same age because of dyspnea, or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace on level ground 3 Stops for breath after walking 100 yards (91 m) or after a few minutes on level ground 4 Too dyspneic to leave house or breathless when dressing

Mahler DA, Wells CK. Evaluation of clinical methods for rating dyspnea. Chest. 1988 Mar;93(3):580-6. doi: 10.1378/chest.93.3.580. PMID: 3342669.
