WHODAS_2.0_36_item_scores v.1

World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 enquires about difficulties or disabilities a patient may experience due to health/mental health issues in adults over 18 yrs. This is the 36 item version used through self-assessment and interview lead with both simple and complex scores (as well as the percentage scores for each domain) are calculated.

Syeeda S Farruque


© Cambio Healthcare Systems

The WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire is used to enquire about difficulties a patient may experience due to health/mental health issues. There are 6 domains of: understanding and communicating, getting around, self-care, getting along with people, life activities (i.e., household, work, and/or school activities), and participation in society.

The 36 item full version WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire can be used by way of a self-report, proxy-form or interview-lead process and is used to enquire about difficulties a patient may experience due to health/mental health issues over a 30 day period. The health issues can include a variety of illnesses, diseases, drug and alcohol and mental/emotional problems of acute or chronic in nature. There is a 12-item short version contains 81% of the variance of the full version and can be used as a way to screen for further investigation due to receiving positive responses during the 12-item version - starting with completing the subsequent 24 items to make up the full 36 version. However, the 12-24 version can not be completed via a self-reported method as the results must be calculated in between the 12 and 24 items. The scoring for each item ranges from 0 to 4 related to the following: 0 = No Difficulty 1 = Mild Difficulty 2 = Moderate Difficulty 3 = Severe Difficulty 4 = Extreme Difficulty or Cannot Do There are 2 scoring systems for the 36-item version: Simple (aggregate count of all the questions as a percentage) and Complex (based on IRT - \"item response theory\" which uses a form of weighting based on the severity of the item in question- again represented as a percentage). More details on this complex scoring can be found on the WHO website. In addition complex score for the 6 domains can also be derived. Score interpretation should follow the domain-specific scores to indicate those aspects of the patient's symptoms and issues that are most problematic and can be classified alongside the 0-4 scale as shown above to relate to the level of difficulty experienced. In addition to the scored questions, there are 3 general questions which relate to the number of days with a 30 day period that the patient experienced the difficulties and whether the reduced or totally stopped them living a normal life, which can be used to elaborate for each item that is positively scored.

The WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire results should not be used in isolation of further assessment or to be used solely for the purposes of making a diagnosis without supporting evidence. If the score is high, the patient should be referred to an appropriate counsellor/practitioner. The WHO recommends interviewer users to read through their user manual before taking the patient through questionnaire.

Ref. 1: World Health Organization. International classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF). Geneva, World Health Organization, 2001. Ref. 2: Üstün TB et al. World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHO DAS II): development, psychometric testing and applications. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2010, In press

OBSERVATION.whodas_2_0.v1, EVALUATION.whodas_2_0_assessment.v1