Pediatric_glasgow_coma_scale v.1

The Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale (pGCS) helps to evaluate the mental state of patients who are children

Syeeda S Farruque

© Cambio Healthcare Systems

This tool helps to evaluate the mental state of patients who are children

Use only for children equal to or under the age of 2 years. The scale is a modified version of the adult GCS and gives some info on initial mental state and helps to track mental state over time. The scale ranges from 3-15 as does the standard GCS and like the standard GCS, the pGCS assesses 3 variables: Eye opening, Verbal response and Motor response Score interpretation: Scores of ≥13 suggests minor head injury. Score of 9-12 suggests moderate head injury. Score of ≤8 suggests severe head injury. Patients with a score of < 15 need to be monitored

Do not use this tool with children > 2yrs of age.

Ref. 1: James HE. Neurologic Evaluation and Support in the Child with an Acute Brain Insult. Pediatric Annals Pediatr Ann, 1986; 15(1), 16-22.

OBSERVATION.pediatric_glasgow_coma_scale.v1, EVALUATION.pediatric_glasgow_coma_scale_evaluation.v1