PEWS2_for0to3months v.1

A tool to identify pediatric patients at risk for clinical deterioration.



To early identify clinical deterioration in pediatric patients

To be used for infant patients, 0 to 3 months of age. The assessment is based on three main criteria, respiratory, circulation, and neurology. They are further divided into the following elements: 1. Respiratory - Respiratory rate (25-55: 0 point, 56 - 64: 1 point, 65 - 75: 2 points, ≤24 or ≥76: 3 points) - Apnoe (No: 0 point, Yes: 3 points) - Breathing effort (Normal: 0 point, Slightly elevated: 1 point, Moderately elevated: 2 points, Vigorously elevated: 3 points) - Oxygen saturation: (≥96%: 0 point, 94-95%: 1 point, 92-93%: 2 points, 91%: 3 points) - Oxygen supplementation (No: 0 point, Yes: 3 points) 2. Circulation - Pulse rate (105-165: 0 point, 166-179: 1 point, 180-190: 2 points, ≥191: 3 points) - Capillary refill (<3 seconds: 0 point, ≥3 seconds: 3 points) - Colour (Normal: 0 point, Pale: 1 point, Greyish pale or central cyanosis: 3 points) 3. Neurology - Consciousness (A-Alert: 0 point, C-Confusion or V-Voice or P-Pain or U-Unresponsive: 3 points) - Muscle tone (Normal: 0 point, Reduced tone or Ongoing cramps: 3 points) - Behaviour (Normal: 0 point, Reduced activity: 1 point, Irritable or Lethargic: 3 points) The total point is calculated from the sum of the highest point on every main criterion, ranging from 0 to 9. A higher point indicates more deterioration of clinical status.

Disclaimer: the knowledge behind this guideline is not produced from Cambio CDS thus we cannot be held accountable for the accuracy or correctness of the following prediction and any actions undertaken. All credit goes to the original creators of this score.

OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1, OBSERVATION.respiration.v2, OBSERVATION.pews2_for_0to3months.v0, OBSERVATION.pulse_oximetry.v1, OBSERVATION.pulse.v2, OBSERVATION.capillary_refill.v0