Osteoporosis_Risk_score_guideline v.1

Osteoporosis Risk Score can be used to evaluate osteoporosis risk based on individual factors that are weighted separately in a study based formula. weighting method in the Osteoporosis risk score calculator: Age: included in the formula as years Weight: Included in formulas as Kg Estrogen:Prior use (0), No prior use (1) Race: Black (0), Non-Black (5) Rheumatoid arthritis: Present (4), Absent (0) Formula to calculate Osteoporosis Risk Score: Race + Rheumatoid Arthritis + Fracture history + Estrogen + (3 x Age / 10) - (Weight in lbs / 10) To evaluate osteoporosis risk based on individual factors that are weighted separately in a study based formula. The three risk categories for likelihood of developing osteoporosis are: Low: scores of 6 and below; Moderate: scores between 7 and 15; High: scores of 16 and above.

This tool cab used as mass screening method for a wide range of patients, those scoring high being then sent for further testing.

Osteoporosis Risk Score can be used for post-menopausal women at risk of osteoporosis (consistent with BMD T scores <-2).

Osteoporosis Risk Score cannot be used in men.

Lydick E, Cook K, Turpin J, Melton M, Stine R, Byrnes C. (1998) Development and validation of a simple questionnaire to facilitate identification of women likely to have low bone density. J Manag Care; 4(1):37-48. 2) Geusens P, Hochberg MC, van der Voort DJ, Pols H, van der Klift M, Siris E, Melton ME, Turpin J, Byrnes C, Ross P. (2002) Performance of risk indices for identifying low bone density in postmenopausal women. Mayo Clin Proc; 77(7):629-37. 3) Cadarette SM, Jaglal SB, Murray TM. (1999) Validation of the simple calculated osteoporosis risk estimation (SCORE) for patient selection for bone densitometry. Osteoporos Int; 10(1):85-90. 4) Sedrinea WB, DevogelaercJP, KaufmandJM, Goemaered S, Depresseuxc G, Zegels B, Deroisye R, Reginstera JY. Evaluation of the simple calculated osteoporosis risk estimation (SCORE) in a sample of white women from Belgium. Bone; 29(4):374-380.

OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1, OBSERVATION.osteoporosis_risk_score.v0, OBSERVATION.body_weight.v2, EVALUATION.osteoporosis_risk_score.v0