Nutrition_Risk_Screening_2002_NRS v.1

Nutrition Risk Screening 2002 (NRS-2002) predicts risk of malnutrition in hospitalized patients, recommended by ACG guidelines.

Therese Lindberg


To predict risk of malnutrition in hospitalized patients, recommended by ACG guidelines.

Initial screening parameters: BMI <20.5 kg/m², weight loss within 3 months, reduced dietary intake in the last week, ICU patient. If “Yes” to any of the four parameters, proceed to Final Screening. If ALL four Initial Screening questions are “No”, then the patient is low risk by NRS-2002. The final screening parameters are summed and gives the points for NRS-2002: Nutritional impairment, severity of disease, age. Interpretation: NRS-2002 Risk group Recommendation 0-3 Low risk Re-screen weekly 4 At risk Initiate nutritional care plan (food, oral supplements, tube feeding, and/or parenteral nutrition as appropriate) 5-7 High risk Initiate early intervention nutritional care plan

1. Kondrup J, Rasmussen HH, Hamberg O, Stanga Z. Nutritional risk screening (NRS 2002): a new method based on an analysis of controlled clinical trials. Clin Nutr. 2003;22(3):321-36.

EVALUATION.nutrition_risk_screening_2002_nrs.v0, OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1, OBSERVATION.body_mass_index.v2