The Medical Outcomes Study - Social Support Survey was developed for patients with chronic conditions in order to evaluate the dimensionality of their current social support, as this was shown to have substantial impact on ones susceptibility to negative consequences of major illness as well as being a positive contributor to emotional well-being and general health. It consists of eighteen questions divided into four subscales, permitting evaluation of several dimensions of social support.

Dennis Forslund

Cambio Healthcare Systems

To analyze the current social support of a patient.

The Medical Outcomes Study - Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS) was developed for patients with chronic conditions in order to evaluate the dimensionality of their current social support, as this was shown to have substantial impact of ones susceptibility to negative consequences of major illness as well as being a positive contributor to emotional well-being and general health. Along with an overall support index, four subscales are used within the survey; emotional/informational support, tangible support, affectionate support, and positive social interaction. All eighteen questions are rated on a scale from one (none of the time) to five (all of the time) points, and the score for each subscale is the average of these values. The overall support index is calculated through use of the average of all 18 questions, along the rating of an additional item.

CD Sherbourne, A Stewart. The MOS Social Support Survey. Social Science & Medicine, 32 (6) (1991), pp. 705–714.
