Kruis_score_IBS v.1

The scoring tool to aid in the diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) The scoring uses symptoms and lab testing to suggest which patients likely have IBS (high specificity), consisting of: - Symptoms of abdominal pain, flatulence, or bowel irregularity (No = 0, Yes = +34) - Symptom duration > 2 years (No = 0, Yes = +16) - Pain described as burning, cutting, very strong, terrible, feeling of pressure, dull, boring, or 'not so bad' (No = 0, Yes = +23) - Alternating constipation and diarrhea (No = 0, Yes = +14) while also considering the presence of red flags criteria that suggest the possibility of other pathology besides IBS: - Abnormal physical findings or history pathognomonic of other disease (No = 0, Yes = -47) - ESR > 10 mm/hr (No = 0, Yes = -13) - WBC > 10,000/µL (No = 0, Yes = -50) - Hemoglobin (female < 12 g/dL; male < 14 g/dL) (No = 0, Yes = -98) - History of blood in stool (No = 0, Yes = -98) All the points acquired are added to calculate the Kruis Score. - If score < 44: negative for IBS - If score >44: positive for IBS - If any “red flags” present, consider further assessment for other pathology.

Winner Ng


To record the parameters necessary and interpreting the score for objectifying and validating the clinical suspicion of IBS diagnosis.

To be used in patients with highly suspected IBS as a possible confirmatory test or in patients with equivocal symptoms but with an initial negative workup to suggest if further workup should be pursued prior to diagnosing IBS.

Not to be used to establish a final diagnosis or exclusion of IBS.

1. Kruis W, Thiem C, Weinzierl M, et al. A diagnostic score for the irritable bowel syndrome: its value in the exclusion of organic disease. Gastroenterology 1984;87:1–7. 2. Doğan UB, Unal S. Kruis scoring system and Manning's criteria in diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome: is it better to use combined? Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 1996 Oct-Dec;59(4):225-8.

OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1, OBSERVATION.kruis_score_ibs.v0, OBSERVATION.lab_test-full_blood_count.v1, EVALUATION.kruis_score_ibs.v0