Infective_endocarditis_mortality_risk v.1

Provides a 6-month mortality prediction for patients with a diagnosis of infective endocarditis.

Syeeda S Farruque

© Cambio Healthcare Systems

The IE Mortality Risk Score provides an objective mortality estimate.

The total score is a sum of the individual scores and ranges from -5 to 22. The variables concern host factors, Infective Carditis factors and (IE) complications. Probability of 6‐month mortality = 2.416*score+0.109*score2−4.849 Score interpretation: Score 6-Month Mortality 0-6 8-12% 7-8 16-20% 9-10 30-34% 11-16 42-50% 17-22 >60%

Not to be used to make diagnostic assessments of IE, only to provide an estimate of mortality and should not be used alone without also providing supplementary evidence.

Ref. 1: Park LP, Chu VH, Peterson G, Skoutelis A, Lejko-Zupa T, Bouza E, Tattevin P, Habib G, Tan R, Gonzalez J, Altclas J, Edathodu J, Fortes CQ, Siciliano RF,Pachirat O, Kanj S, Wang A; International Collaboration on Endocarditis (ICE) Investigators. Validated Risk Score for Predicting 6-Month Mortality in Infective Endocarditis. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Apr 18;5(4). pii: e003016. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.115.003016.

OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1, OBSERVATION.nyha_heart_failure_score.v1, OBSERVATION.infective_endocarditis_mortality_risk_score.v1, EVALUATION.infective_endocarditis_mortality_risk_assessment.v1