IMPROVEDD_risk_score v.1

An assessment tool to risk stratify hospitalized, medically ill patients based on clinical variables, referred as IMPROVEDD Risk Score for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). The addition of D-dimer ≥ 2 × the upper limit of normal (ULN) to the IMPROVE score to derive a new IMPROVEDD score would improve identification of at risk of VTE.

Hager Saleh

© Cambio CDS

To calculate IMPROVEDD score and predict the risk of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in hospitalized patients.

IMPROVEDD Risk Score variables and assigned points: Previous VTE (Yes = 3, No = 0); Known thrombophilia (Yes = 2, No = 0); Current lower-limb paralysis (Yes = 2, No = 0); Current cancer (Yes= 2, No = 0); Immobilized ≥7 days (Yes = 1, No = 0); ICU/CCU stay (Yes = 1, No = 0); Age >60 years (Yes = 1, No = 0); D-dimer ≥2x ULN (Yes = 2, No = 0). Interpretation: score 0 = 42-day VTE risk = 0.4 % and 77-day VTE risk = 0.5 %; score 1 = 42-day VTE risk = 0.6 % and 77-day VTE risk = 0.7 %; score 2 = 42-day VTE risk = 0.8 % and 77-day VTE risk = 1.0 %; score 3 = 42-day VTE risk = 1.2 % and 77-day VTE risk = 1.4 %; score 4 = 42-day VTE risk = 1.6 % and 77-day VTE risk = 1.9 %; score ≥5 = 42-day VTE risk = 2.2 % and 77-day VTE risk = 2.7 %.

Not to be used in outpatients.

Gibson CM, Spyropoulos AC, Cohen AT, Hull RD, Goldhaber SZ, Yusen RD, Hernandez AF, Korjian S, Daaboul Y, Gold A, Harrington RA, Chi G. The IMPROVEDD VTE Risk Score: Incorporation of D-Dimer into the IMPROVE Score to Improve Venous Thromboembolism Risk Stratification. TH Open. 2017 Jun 28;1(1):e56-e65. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1603929. PMID: 31249911; PMCID: PMC6524839.

OBSERVATION.improvedd.v0, EVALUATION.improvedd_risk_assessment.v0