Height_potential v.1

Height Potential Prediction by Mid-parental Height is based on adjusting the calculation of the potential height of a child for their gender and the height of the mother and father

Syeeda S Farruque


© Cambio Healthcare Systems

A quick tool to predict a child's height from their gender and their parent's heights

The tool uses the sex adjusted mid-parental height using the following variables: Height of mother and father in cm Sex of child To produce a Height potential in cm which can be compared by using population Z- score tables to place the result within the appropriate percentile and this is based for both sexes, in which 8.5 cm on either side of this calculated value (target height) is equivalent to the 3rd to 97th percentiles for anticipated adult height. The predicted height results can then be compared to Z-tables to place the child within a standard population distribution. The calculations are derived by the following: For girls: subtract 13 cm from the father's height and average with the mother's height. For boys: add 13 cm to the mother's height and average with the father's height. (13 cm is the average difference in height of women and men.)

Not to be used on adults (above the age of 18 years).

Ref. 1: Tanner JM, Goldstein H, Whitehouse RH. Standards for children's height at ages 2-9 years allowing for heights of parents. Arch Dis Child. 1970 Dec;45(244):755-62. PMID: 5491878

OBSERVATION.basic_demographic.v1, OBSERVATION.parental_demographics.v1, OBSERVATION.height.v2