HAM-A v.1

The Hamilton Anxiety Scale is used to rate severity of anxiety in order to assess new patients as well as track severity of condition over time. It consists of 14 items, and the result is rated per severity of condition, where ≤17p indicates mild, 18-24p mild to moderate, 25-30p moderate to severe and >30 severe anxiety.

Dennis Forslund


Cambio Healthcare Systems

To rate and register severity of anxiety.

Use to rate and register severity of anxiety. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale is used to rate severity of anxiety, in order to assess new patients as well as track severity of condition over time. It consists of 14 items: 1. Anxious mood 2. Tension 3. Fears 4. Insomnia 5. Intellectual 6. Depressed mood 7. Somatic (muscular) 8. Somatic (sensory) 9. Cardiovascular symptoms 10. Respiratory symptoms 11. Gastrointestinal symptoms 12. Genitourinary symptoms 13. Autonomic symptoms 14. Behavior at interview It is rated on a scale from zero to four: 0 - not present 1 - mild 2 - moderate 3 - severe 4 - very severe The maximum total score thus amounts to 56p. The score is rated per severity of condition, where ≤17p indicates mild, 18-24p mild to moderate, 25-30p moderate to severe and >30 severe anxiety.

Hamilton M. The assessment of anxiety states by rating. Br J Med Psychol 1959; 32:50–55. Maier W, Buller R, Philipp M, Heuser I. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale: reliability, validity and sensitivity to change in anxiety and depressive disorders. J Affect Disord 1988;14(1):61–8.

OBSERVATION.hamilton_anxiety_scale.v1, EVALUATION.hamilton_anxiety_scale_assessment.v1