FeverPAIN_Strep v.1

Predicts likelihood of strep throat.

Syeeda S Farruque


© Cambio Healthcare Systems

The FeverPAIN Score for Strep Pharyngitis identifies patients with streptococcal pharyngitis specifically

Identifying patients with Strep pharyngitis can help reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics. 2 Sections of questions split between History and Physical findings with Y/N binary questions (scores 0,1): History: Fever in past 24 hours Absence of cough or coryza Symptom onset ≤3 days Physical findings: Purulent tonsils Severe tonsil inflammation Score interpretation: A score of 0-1 is associated with 13-18% isolation of streptococcus (close to background carriage rates). No antibiotics recommended. A score of 2 is associated with 30-35% isolation of streptococcus. Delayed antibiotic may be appropriate. A score of 3 is associated with 39-48% isolation of streptococcus. Delayed antibiotic may be appropriate. A score of 4 or more is associated with 62-65% isolation of streptococcus. Consider antibiotics if symptoms are severe or a short delayed prescribing strategy may be appropriate (48 hours).

The FeverPAIN Score requires detailed history taking and examination of the pharynx and shouldn't be used without these parts of the investigation in place.

Ref. 1: Little P, et al. Incidence and clinical variables associated with streptococcal throat infections: a prospective diagnostic cohort study. Br J Gen Pract. 2012 Nov;62(604):e787-94.

OBSERVATION.feverpain_for_strep_throat.v1, EVALUATION.feverpain_strep_assessment.v1