ESS v.1

The Epworth sleepiness scale is a self-administered questionnaire developed to measure daytime sleepiness, and can be used to identify a possible sleep disorder. A score ≤9p rates as normal. 10p or more indicates possible presence of sleep apnea or narcolepsy, which is rated by severity of condition; 10-15p mild, and ≥16p severe.

Dennis Forslund

Cambio Healthcare Systems

To identify possible sleeping disorders using a self-administered questionnaire containing eight questions regarding probability of falling asleep in various situations.

Use to identify possible sleeping disorders using a self-administered questionnaire containing eight questions regarding probability of falling asleep in various situations. Each answer generates 0-3 points, thus making the maximum potential score 24 points. The score is interpreted as follows: 0-9p - normal 10-15 - indicate possibility of mild sleep apnea or narcolepsy 16 or more - indicate possibility of severe sleep apnea or narcolepsy A score of 10 or more should result in further medical examination and evaluation.

The questionnaire is not in itself diagnostic and should only be used to support further examination and clinical assessment.

Johns MW. 1991. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep 14, 540–545.

OBSERVATION.epworth_sleepiness_scale.v1, EVALUATION.epworth_sleepiness_scale_assessment.v1