Duke_Treadmill_Score v.1

Duke Treadmill Score diagnoses and prognoses suspected CAD based on the treadmill exercise test.

Therese Lindberg


Cambio CDS

Can provide diagnostic and prognostic information for patients with suspected coronary artery disease based on the treadmill exercise test.

Use on patients without known coronary artery disease undergoing treadmill EKG testing. Should be used with caution in patients undergoing testing with other protocols. If alternative protocol used, consider equivalent in multiples of resting oxygen consumption (METs) instead of minutes of exercise. Duke Treadmill Score = duration of exercise, minutes – (5 × maximal net ST-segment deviation during or after exercise*, millimeters) – (4 × treadmill angina index) *except in lead aVR Where angina index is as follows: Angina index / Feature: 0/ No angina during exercise. 1/ Non-limiting angina. 2/ Patient stops exercising because of angina.

Does not consider clinical variables such as age, heart rate, or blood pressure, which are known risk factors for CAD.

1. Mark DB, Hlatky MA, Harrell FE, Lee KL, Califf RM, Pryor DB. Exercise treadmill score for predicting prognosis in coronary artery disease. Ann Intern Med. 1987;106(6):793-800.
