Danger_Assessment_Tool_for_Domestic_Abuse v.1

Assessment tool for domestic abuse That Predicts risk of death by an intimate partner (IP) in a violent intimate relationship.

Jack Msonkho


@Cambio CDS

Predicts risk of death by an intimate partner (IP) in a violent intimate relationship.

Use in female patients presenting to the emergency department after assault by an intimate partner or former partner. FORMULA Addition of the selected points. Ask the patient: Questions Points Has the physical violence increased in frequency or severity over the past 6 months? No 0 Yes 1 Have they ever used a weapon or threatened you with a weapon? No 0 Yes 1 Do you believe they are capable of killing you? No 0 Yes 1 Have you ever been beaten by them while you were pregnant? No 0 Yes 1 Are they violently and constantly jealous of you? No 0 Yes 1

Patients not meeting high risk criteria should still be fully informed of the risk of repeat violence and given resources such as informational material and hotline numbers.

Snider C, Webster D, O'Sullivan CS, Campbell J. Intimate partner violence: development of a brief risk assessment for the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16(11):1208-16.

OBSERVATION.danger_assessment_tool_for_domestic_abuse.v0, EVALUATION.danger_assessment_tool_for_domestic_abuse.v0