Cumulative_Illness_Rating_Scale_Geriatric_CIRS_G v.1

Quantifies burden of disease in elderly patients (comorbidity scale).

Henrik Honkanen

@Cambio CDS

Used to quantify burden of disease in elderly patients (comorbidity scale).

Use in elderly patients (often defined as age >65 years). The scale consists of 14 different areas each giving 0 to 4 points towards the final score. Higher scores indicate higher severity (maximum score = 56 points). The care provider should choose the value which gives the most point. The areas are the following: - Heart; - Vascular ; - Hematopoietic; - Respiratory; - Eyes, ears, nose, throat, and larynx; - Upper GI; - Lower GI; - Liver, pancreas, and biliary; - Renal; - Genitourinary; - Musculoskeletal and skin; - Neurologic; - Endocrine and breasts; - Psychiatric illness

1. Miller MD, Paradis CF, Houck PR, Mazumdar S, Stack JA, Rifai AH, Mulsant B, Reynolds III CF. Rating chronic medical illness burden in geropsychiatric practice and research: application of the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale. Psychiatry research. 1992 Mar 1;41(3):237-48.
